13th annual Cross the Line
More than 2 billion people worldwide don't have access to clean water. We're walking and running to change that.

Cross the Line is a family friendly and well supported 5k charity walk/run.

October 5, 2024
10 AM - 11:30 AM
L'Amoreaux Park
1785 McNiccol Ave
The Cause

Cross the Line supports ERDO’s Million Cups of Water initiative.
Clean water saves lives… yet more than 2 billion people drink contaminated water. We can help change that! For more information, visit millioncupsofwater.com.
ERDO is a trusted partner of Cross the Line and they work to bring clean water to people in need. The funds raised from Cross the Line will go to support ongoing water projects ⎯ installing bio-sand filters in Honduras, drilled wells in Zimbabwe, and tube wells in Bangladesh.

Update from Honduras
Our sponsors help us to have registration fees and donations go directly towards supporting our cause!